Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP V10) e-læring
Fremtidssikre karrieren din og bli en etterspurt Certified Digital Marketing Professional ved å lære grunnleggende elementer innen digital markedsføring og oppnå forståelse for de viktigste digitale spesialiseringene; fra mobil og sosiale medier til e-post, YouTube og displayannonsering, PPC og SEO.
Hvorfor skal jeg ta dette kurset?
Gjennom dynamiske videopresentasjoner og praktiske læringsaktiviteter (inkludert tutorials og øvelser) får du en "hands-on" læringserfaring som gjør at du kan demonstrere et sterkt fundament i digital markedsføring. Kurset dekker hovedkonseptene, teknikkene og ferdighetene som kreves for å utvikle, planlegge og implementere en effektiv digital markedsføringsstrategi.
Studenter kan forvente å:
Få en helhetlig forståelse og kompetanse på de viktigste områdene av digital markedsføring
Lære varige ferdigheter slik at du kan forbli relevant, uansett hva som trender
Bli med i et fellesskap av likesinnede markedsførere og bransjeeksperter
Fortsette å lære med kontinuerlig profesjonell utvikling (CPD)
Ved endt kurs vil studentene kunne:
Øke nettstedets synlighet gjennom søkemotoroptimalisering's teknikker
Få kvalifisert trafikk til nettstedet ditt via betal-per-klikk (PPC) reklame
Utføre sosiale video- og digitale displaykampanjer
Finne, segmentere og administrere e -postabonnenter for å planlegge og gjennomføre en vellykket e -postmarkedsføringskampanje
Bruke passende sosiale medier for forskjellige forretningsmål og mål
Måle og optimalisere kampanjene dine på sosiale medier
Dra nytte av mobilmarkedsføring for fordelene med mikromålretting
Analysere og optimalisere din generelle digitale markedsføringsaktivitet
Lage en formell digital markedsføringsplan for virksomheten din
Denne sertifiseringen er ideell for et bredt spekter av fagfolk, inkludert markedsføringsledere, ledere, IT -ledere og toppledelse. Det er også ideelt for eiere av små bedrifter eller alle som er involvert i planlegging, implementering eller måling av digitale strategier, sammen med alle som er ivrige etter å forfølge en karriere innen digital markedsføring. Å bli en Certified Digital Marketing Professional vil være til fordel for deg uavhengig av dine ferdigheter eller erfaring, og vil gi deg muligheten til å maksimere effekten av markedsføringen din gjennom kraftige digitale verktøy.
Hva vil jeg oppnå?
Etter en vellykket gjennomføring av en 3-timers datamaskinbasert eksamen, vil kandidatene bli tildelt en av verdens mest anerkjente digitale markedsføringssertifiseringer. Sertifiserte fagfolk vil få tilliten de trenger for å skape og styre transformative og inntektsgenererende digitale markedsføringsstrategier for selskaper i alle størrelser. Studentene vil også motta en globalt anerkjent sertifisert profesjonell merke for å vise på sine LinkedIn -profiler, samtidig som de får tilgang til MyDMI -medlemsplattformen for å opprettholde sine ferdigheter mens de fortsetter å lære og vokse, for å bygge nettverk og for å få verdifulle CPD -poeng.
Kurset består av ti moduler som gir en grundig dekning av alle sentrale disipliner som kreves for beste praksis innen digital markedsføring.
Unleash the power of digital marketing in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). You’ll dive into key concepts, explore digital channels, and discover how to use AI tools to gain industry insights and develop clear marketing objectives. You will also gain a 360-view of your customers and learn how to connect more effectively throughout the buyer journey.
2. Content Marketing
Master the art of content marketing using a persona-focused and data-driven approach. From content creation to curation, you will learn how to amplify your impact, extend value, and measure the successes of your content marketing using AI-powered insights.
3. Social Media Marketing
Find the right social platforms for your business and learn tactics to grow and engage your target audience. Know how to create powerful paid social campaigns and extract data from analytics to elevate your social commerce strategy to drive sales.
4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Search Engine Marketing is about getting on that first Google page or SERP and staying there!. Learn how to be strategic in your SEO from keyword research to technical, on-page, and off-page optimization. Measure SEO success using key metrics (keyword rankings, organic traffic and website conversions) and understand how AI is transforming search engine marketing.
5. Paid Search (PPC) and Display Advertising
Use PPC advertising to capture high-intent consumers searching for products or services like yours. Master the art of budgeting, strategic bidding, and compelling ad creation and tap into the potential of YouTube and display ads with new AI features and campaign types.
6. Email Marketing
Your email list is one of your most powerful assets. Explore key tools and techniques enabling you to unlock the power of automation to streamline your email campaigns. Learn how to optimize your campaigns, from subject lines to layout and know how to overcome delivery challenges.
7. Professional Skills for Digital Marketers
Successful marketers know that professional skills are just as important as technical skills. In this module, you will learn project management techniques, apply agile thinking, enhance creativity, and sharpen your strategic thinking along with practical skills such as problem-solving and time management.
8. Website Optimization and eCommerce
What makes a winning website and builds brand visibility? Understand the critical role the buyer's journey and user experience (UX) play in shaping effective websites. Build seamless customer interactions and drive e-commerce success with an effective customer service solution. Use the right metrics to track, and measure activity and optimize website performance.
9. Analytics with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Use GA4 to maximise the insights from your marketing data while understanding best practices for data collection, consent, and privacy. Learn to set up and configure GA4, using AI-enhanced features to analyze performance and customer conversion journeys, and effectively monitor digital campaigns.
10. Digital Marketing Strategy
Learn how to plan and execute a winning digital marketing strategy. Conduct research to guide channel choice, messaging, and personas, set objectives and KPIs, devise a budget and devise a creative strategy that engages your audience.
This course consists of approximately 31-hours of course content. You have up to 24 weeks to complete the course, during which time you can access your course content wherever and whenever you want. Average completion time is between 8-10 weeks.
The Assessment is one two hour online exam consisting of 120 test items (including multiple choice, matching, and drag-and-drop question formats.
The exam is split into three sections. Candidates need to achieve a minimum of 60% to pass the exam. Your examination fee is included in the price but subsequent re-sits due to failed attempts will incur a fee of approximately €75 or NOK890.
Due to regulations, there will be added taxes to the listed courseprice. Taxes for e-learnings are 25%.
Home of Hands-on Learning & Practical Resources: Right from the moment you sign-up for a course, you’ll become a DMI Professional Member and get access to our library of premium resources for free for 6 months.
DMI Membership Hub is the world’s largest library of on-demand practical resources designed by top industry experts that will enable you to easily implement your learnings, and make an instant business and career impact. You will also enhance your work while saving time and effort with 2000k+ professional resources including toolkits, templates, and stay relevant with bite-sized continuous learning opportunities such as webinars and short video lessons on the latest skills from AI to GA4.
Templates and toolkits - Practical resources to download, built so you can put them to work in your role right away.
Premium content - Articles, ebooks, industry reports, case studies, podcasts and more. With tried-and-tested tips and the latest in digital marketing.
Courses - Unlock access to free short lessons exclusive to Professional Members, along with special discounts on all DMI courses.
Community - Talk, interact, work together and connect with our global member community and industry experts through our lively forum.
Webinars - Meet & learn from top industry leaders through our live interactive webinars. Ask questions, get insights, and connect with peers.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) - Once you’re certified, you can keep learning and earning CPD points to keep your certification up-to-date