Hvordan leverer du en brukeropplevelse i verdensklasse for kundene dine? Dette online UX- og webdesignkurset lærer deg kjerneprinsippene for briljant design og UX. Lær grafikk, kreative meldinger, brukertesting og hvordan du kan prosjektstyre deg frem til et fullt optimalisert nettsted. Leveres i små moduler, verktøysett og case-studier.
Hvorfor skal jeg ta dette kurset?
Med fokus på karriereklar læring og levert gjennom en blanding av essensiell lesing, casestudier og nyttige verktøysett, vil dette kurset raskt gjøre deg kjent med kjerneprinsippene og beste praksis innen UX og webdesign.
5 Interaktive Moduler
Associate Level Sertifisering
11 timer læringsinnhold i eget tempo
GRATIS DMI Medlemskap inkludert
Praktiske verktøysett og maler
Sentrale ferdigheter og kompetanser du lærer
Webdesign og optimering
Grafiske designprinsipper
Google Analytics
Små bedriftseiere, markedsføringseksperter, produktledere, gründere eller noen som ønsker å raskt bli dyktige innen UX og Webdesign. Du trenger ingen spesifikk markedsføringsbakgrunn for å gjennomføre og lykkes med dette kurset. Dette kurset vil lede deg gjennom det grunnleggende for UX og Webdesign.
Den bitformede strukturen på kurset er spesielt designet for å passe rundt din livsstil og andre forpliktelser.
Hva vil jeg oppnå?
Etter en vellykket gjennomføring av en 1-timers online eksamen vil kandidatene bli tildelt en av verdens mest anerkjente digitale markedsføringssertifiseringer. Denne Associate Level-sertifiseringen er eksklusivt designet av digitale eksperter og har relevans, anerkjennelse og faglig tyngde som er svært ettertraktet av arbeidsgiverne dine. Studentene vil også motta et globalt anerkjent sertifisert profesjonelt merke for å vise på LinkedIn -profilene sine, samtidig som de får tilgang til MyDMI-medlemsplattformen for å opprettholde sine ferdigheter mens de fortsetter å lære og vokse, for å bygge nettverk og for å få verdifulle CPD-poeng.
In this module we’ll show you the questions you need to ask when creating your website. We show you how to measure what happens when customers visit your site, and how to improve their experience.
Knowledge gain:
Web Design and Website Optimization
Publishing a Basic Website
Importance of User Experience
5 Usability Principles that make visitors stick
Enhancing Your Problem-Solving Skills
Case Study:
Slack: Blowing Up the Business Communications Realm
Your visitors are far more likely to become paying customers if you give them an easy to use experience. This module teaches you to think like your customers, and how to solve their problems.
Knowledge gain:
The Principles of UX Design
Visual Design: Best Practices
UX Patterns for Web Design
The Power of Design-Led Content Marketing
UX Prototyping and Testing
Implementing Good UX Design
Toolkits included:
Do Your Webpages Pass the Five-Second Usability Test?
Optimizing an eCommerce Website Design and UX
4 Simple Steps For Easy, Affordable eCommerce Success
Case Study/Webinar:
Setting up an eCommerce Business
ASOS: Setting the Trend with Innovative Digital Strategies
Amazon and eBay: Learning from the Online Retail Giants
3. Graphic Design and Creative Skills
From imagery to sales copy, this module teaches you how to deliver brilliant, eye catching creative that resonates for your customers.
Knowledge gain:
Enhancing Your Creativity
Graphic Design Principles and Best Practices
Design Foundations: Brand Guidelines and Consistency
Your website looks and feels great, but do you know if your customers feel the same? Here, we teach you how to research their behavior with Analytics, and set clear identifiable goals for your site.
Knowledge gain:
Project Management
Creating and Configuring a Google Analytics Account
The Best Analytics Tools for Digital Marketing
3 Ways Little Data Trumps Big Data for Delivering a Superior User Experience
Setting Goals with Google Analytics
Toolkits included:
One-year Gantt Calendar Template
Funnel Conversion Reporting Toolkit
Case Study:
Tinder: Taking Dating into a Dystopian Future?
This course consists of approximately 11-hours of course content. You have up to 12 weeks to complete the course, during which time you can access your course content wherever and whenever you want.
It’s trouble free. The assessment is undertaken online, with a 40 question multiple choice exam. You can take this in the comfort of your own home.
Successful completion leads to an Associate level certification.
Home of Hands-on Learning & Practical Resources: Right from the moment you sign-up for a course, you’ll become a DMI Professional Member and get access to our library of premium resources for free for 6 months.
DMI Membership Hub is the world’s largest library of on-demand practical resources designed by top industry experts that will enable you to easily implement your learnings, and make an instant business and career impact. You will also enhance your work while saving time and effort with 2000k+ professional resources including toolkits, templates, and stay relevant with bite-sized continuous learning opportunities such as webinars and short video lessons on the latest skills from AI to GA4.
Templates and toolkits - Practical resources to download, built so you can put them to work in your role right away.
Premium content - Articles, ebooks, industry reports, case studies, podcasts and more. With tried-and-tested tips and the latest in digital marketing.
Courses - Unlock access to free short lessons exclusive to Professional Members, along with special discounts on all DMI courses.
Community - Talk, interact, work together and connect with our global member community and industry experts through our lively forum.
Webinars - Meet & learn from top industry leaders through our live interactive webinars. Ask questions, get insights, and connect with peers.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) - Once you’re certified, you can keep learning and earning CPD points to keep your certification up-to-date