This course is based on ArchiMate 3.2 The ArchiMate Specification is a modelling language that enables Enterprise Architects to describe, analyse and visualize relationships among architecture domains using easy to understand visuals representations.
«Meget dyktig instruktør med god kunnskap og godt humør.»
It provides a common language for describing how various parts of the enterprise are constructed and how they operate, including business processes, organizational structures, information flows, IT systems, and technical and physical infrastructures. In a time when many enterprises are undergoing rapid change, ArchiMate models help stakeholders design, assess and communicate those changes within and between architecture domains, as well as examine the potential consequences and impact of decisions throughout an organization.
A training in ArchiMate will give you knowledge about theoretical and practical aspects of ArchiMate and is useful if you wish to be able to apply this modelling language in practice.
There are no formal prerequisites. However, it is recommended that participants have experience in the IT domain. Note, to be Practitioner certified on ArchiMate® 3 Foundation, it is required to have passed the ArchiMate® 3 Foundation exam.
ArchiMate® is a registered trademark of The Open Group
ArchiMate 3 Foundation Exam (details):
This is the examination for the ArchIMate 3 Foundation certification.
This exam comprises 40 questions in simple multiple choice format, covering the Level 1 learning outcomes (see the Conformance Requirements for detail). Each correct answer scores a single point.
The pass mark is 60% (24 or more questions out of a maximum of 40)
ArchiMate 3 Practitioner Exam (details):
This exam comprises 8 complex scenario questions, with gradient scoring.
Open Book: an electronic copy of the ArchiMate 3 Specification is built into the exam.
The correct answer scores 5 points, the second best answer 3 points, the third best answer 1 point. The distracter scores zero points.
The pass mark is 65% (26 or more points out of a maximum of 40).
The exam is included in the training fee. When you have completed the course, contact sertifisering and request your free exam voucher which can be used at any Pearson Vue test center. Glasspaper facilities these exam in Oslo or Trondheim.
Please note that your voucher is valid for 12 months of your course start.