C# 12 Advanced Development

Once you've mastered the core features of C# as a programming language, you're ready to take the next step. The .NET platform offers an incredibly rich and diverse set of APIs that cover all aspects of contemporary development. This course takes a detailed look at the areas of C# and .NET that have particular resonance to developers today, including asynchrony, creating decoupled and adaptable systems, test-driven development, web development, and containerization using Docker.


What you will learn:

  • C# language innovations
  • Nullable types
  • Asynchronous programming techniques
  • Parallelization and concurrency
  • .NET Core and ASP.NET Core features
  • Containerization using Docker
  • Dynamic programming
  • Dependency injection
  • Design patterns
  • Test-driven development


  • At least 6 months C# programming experience

Course outline:

Introduction to .NET:

  • Overview of .NET
  • Using Visual Studio with .NET
  • Understanding top-level statements

Nullable Types:

  • Nullable reference types
  • Nullable value types
  • Null coalescing operators

C# Language Innovations – Part 1:

  • Tuples
  • Pattern matching
  • Additional pattern matching techniques
  • Record types

C# Language Innovations – Part 2:

  • Ranges and indices
  • Disposing objects via using declarations
  • Default methods in interfaces
  • Additional new features in the latest versions of C#

Delegates, Events, and Lambda Expressions: 

  • Using delegates effectively
  • Lambda expressions
  • Standard delegate types
  • Events

Generics in Depth:

  • Generics essentials
  • A closer look at generics
  • Generic structs, delegates, interfaces
  • Generic methods
  • Contravariance and covariance

Parallelization and Asynchronous Methods:

  • Parallelization
  • Async methods
  • Async streams

Dynamic Programming: 

  • Using the dynamic keyword
  • Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)

Containerizing .NET Applications:

  • Publishing .NET applications
  • Overview of containerization and Docker
  • Understanding Docker images
  • A closer look at images and containers
  • How to Containerize a .NET application

NET Web Applications: 

  • Getting Started with ASP.NET
  • Creating a minimal ASP.NET web app
  • Containerizing an ASP.NET web app
  • Using VS support for containerization

Design Patterns:

  • Overview of design patterns
  • Pattern classification
  • Creational patterns
  • Structural patterns
  • Behavioural patterns

Introduction to Unit Testing in .NET: 

  • Setting the scene
  • TDD using Test Explorer
  • Additional techniques

Unit Testing with xUnit.net: 

  • Getting started with xUnit.net
  • A closer look at xUnit.net

Test-Driven Development:

  • Effective test-driven development
  • Refactoring techniques
  • Types of test

Test Doubles: 

  • Making code testable
  • Overview of test doubles
  • Using stubs; Using mocks

Dependency Injection:

  • DI concepts
  • DI frameworks
  • Using DI in ASP.NET
  • DI examples

Andy Olsen - author of the course

Andy is a freelance consultant and instructor based in the UK, working mostly in the City of London and Oxford. Andy has been working with .NET since the Beta 1 days and has extensive experience in many facets of .NET development including WCF, WPF, WF, ASP.NET MVC Web development, and mobile applications. Andy has designed and written many Microsoft Official Curriculum courses in the last decade, and has been engaged as author and technical reviewer with Apress on some of their biggest selling books.

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