Kubernetes' architecture brings the first real way of operating docker containers in production. This solution was first developed by Google, and TCP Cloud was the world's first real-world testing enterprise deployment experience. We will introduce you to this platform and also present the test results we talked about at the KubeCon 2016 conference.
The training provides a detailed description of each step necessary to operate the Kubernetes environment. The training is aimed at developing skills in container virtualization to a level where the training participant will be able to install, configure, and deploy the docker environment. The training covers the architecture of best practices, workflow creation and component interaction, which is the best preparation for solving real problems encountered by experts in the Kubernetes area.
Are you experienced in Kubernetes? Check out our Kubernetes Advanced course.
The course is designed primarily for users of the Kubernetes cluster, developer, or for acquiring the knowledge needed to complete Advanced Kubernetes. Participants learn how to work with containers and what are the pitfalls of moving existing applications into containers and later launching them in the Kubernetes cluster.
On practical examples, participants will test what tools Kubernetes provides and how to facilitate application development, because clustering is a cluster rather than an application.
Use of Containers
Best-practice - Container Images
Introduction to Container Orchestration and Kubernetes
Ingress and LoadBalancer for web applications