Half Double - Double the impact, half the time.

No matter what project your organization is working on – whether it's rolling out new products and services, improving customer experiences, or increasing productivity – the Half Double methodology can help you. Research repeatedly shows that only 30% of projects are successful. Most projects often do not deliver the results and benefits they were intended to achieve.


The Half Double Institute is a non-profit foundation whose methodology addresses this issue. In collaboration with three universities and 2,500 of the top project managers in Denmark, the methodology was developed after an extensive investigation into why some projects succeed, but most fail. Trials using this methodology across 16 pilot projects in 16 different organizations resulted in 87% of these pilot projects meeting or partially meeting the project's success criteria.

The Half Double training and certification focus on simplicity. You will learn new tools and approaches that you can bring back to your organization, enabling you to create greater impact in a shorter time in your projects.

28. April
3 days
Classroom Virtual


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