AWS Discovery Day - Securing Your AWS Cloud (Webinar)
Whether you are thinking about migrating to the AWS Cloud or already running workloads on AWS, protecting your data and recourses should be top of mind. Securing your AWS Cloud introduces you to several AWS services that you can use to improve your current security posture. Additionally, the course covers the different security design principles that will help you to plan your security approach in the AWS Cloud and provides information on resources you can use to further your knowledge around security on AWS.
Dato og tidspunkt:
9.september: 11:00-12:00
Meld deg på webinar
Learning objectives
In this session, you will learn to:
• Identify the security benefits and responsibilities of using the AWS Cloud
• Describe the different design principles for security in the cloud
• Determine which AWS services you can use to improve your security posture
• And more
Intended audience
• Enterprise-level IT professionals interested in cloud security practices
• Security professionals with minimal working knowledge of AWS
Recommended follow-up training and resources
We recommend that attendees of this event continue learning with this course:
• AWS Security Fundamentals (second edition) digital training
• AWS Security Essentials classroom training
What is AWS Discovery Days?
AWS Discovery Days, hosted by official AWS Training Partners, introduce cloud concepts, including generative AI, security, machine learning, migrations, and modern data strategy. Expert AWS Instructors will help you learn what’s possible in the cloud and how to achieve it with AWS.
Anders Bjørnestad
Anders Bjørnestad har utviklet løsninger på AWS plattformen siden 2010 og har jobbet med alt fra cloud-strategi til å designe og implementere tekniske løsninger på denne plattformen. Anders er en av initiativtakerne til AWS User Groups i Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger og han mottok nylig fra AWS hedersbeviset “AWS Community Hero”, som en av få i Europa.