
Velkommen til Nordic Summit 2024!
Vi er glade for å være med som sponsor på årets konferanse. Som en spesiell takk for engasjement og deltakelse tilbyr vi alle en eksklusiv mulighet til å styrke kompetansen innen Power Platform og Dynamics 365 områdene. Tilbudet er en unik mulighet til å investere i kompetanseutvikling for dine teammedlemmer og ansatte!
Executive MBA – Business Continuity Management
The PECB University Executive MBA in Business Continuity Management is designed for candidates that want to develop a comprehensive understanding of how to manage business disruptions, emergencies or threats in an organization. Through the program, candidates gain the necessary competence on how to react in emergency situations, and how to manage them successfully so that the operations and business continuity of the organization are not distorted. The courses in this program prepare candidates in the areas of disaster recovery, business response, risk analysis, information management and other.
DevOps Foundation® e-læring
Learn about DevOps to support organizational efforts in reducing costs while increasing agility, quality and customer service in this online foundation-level course to support digital transformation.
Information security as a framework in the business
Information security is about establishing a framework to ensure that business is safe enough in the big threat picture. The framework can be tailored to any business, ensuring that the business is working according to the goals set up for their operations
DevSecOps Foundation (DSOF)℠ e-læring
Learn the purpose, benefits, concepts, and vocabulary of DevSecOps including DevOps security strategies and business benefits.
Nevrale nettverk ai superdatamaskin i form av en vakker jente
Nyheter på KI - Kunstig Intelligens
Kunstig intelligens (KI) i ferd med å revolusjonere måten vi lever og arbeider på. KI refererer til systemer eller maskiner som simulerer menneskelig intelligens for å utføre oppgaver. KI kan også kontinuerlig forbedre seg basert på informasjonen den samler. Denne evolusjonen innen teknologi bringer med seg uante muligheter for effektivisering, innovasjon og problemløsning.
ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve - eLearning
The ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve course is based on the ITIL® 4 Strategist Direct, Plan, and Improve candidate syllabus from AXELOS. The course provides the practical skills necessary to create a “learning and improving” IT organization, with a strong and effective strategic direction. With the help of ITIL® 4 concepts and terminology, activities, exercises, examples, and the case study included in the course, you will acquire relevant knowledge to pass the ITIL® Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve certification exam.
Dynamics 365 sertifisering
Microsofts rollebaserte sertifiseringer på Dynamics 365 er i tråd med dagens tekniske roller og krav. Oppdater din kompetanse og dokumenter din ekspertise på aller siste teknologi!
Forbedre og sertifiser programvaretesting ferdighetene dine
ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) er en internasjonal organisasjon som tilbyr standardiserte sertifiseringsprogrammer for programvaretesting. Sertifiseringen er delt inn i flere nivåer som passer for ulike stadier i en testkarriere. Glasspaper tilbyr alle kursene og sertifiseringene innen ISTQB.
What should businesses lacking IT security expertise do in a world of ever-increasing threat?
Daily security and threats to public and private businesses are threatening, and threats are increasing. The government invests heavily in IT security in its government budget, but what do the businesses do when 6 out of 10 Abelia companies are experiencing a lack of IT expertise, which is particularly lacking in IT security. The problem is a lot that businesses fail to attract IT security personnel to their business. What is certain is that businesses can not ignore the threats they face. Handling when the damage has occurred is far more expensive than working proactively to prevent damage. What is the consequence of employee data, emails or customer data going away? There are three solutions to the challenge, these three probably overlapping each other:
Enterprise Skills Initiative. Opplæringstilbud til Norsk Helsenett
Norsk Helsenett har fått et opplæringstilbud fra Microsoft som er forlenget til og med 30. juni 2025. Dette gir alle enheter mulighet for å bestille offisielle Microsoft kurs innen Microsoft Azure, Sikkerhet, Data & AI og Modern Work til svært gunstige betingelser.
MCA - Microsoft Certified Associate
Med en Associate sertifisering beviser du at du har de tekniske grunnferdighetene som kreves innen den gitte teknologien/jobbrollen. Associate sertifiseringer stiller krav til både bredde- og dybde-kunnskap, og fokuserer på løsninger og Cloud kompetanse. Med en Associate sertifisering vil du derfor bevise at du er oppdatert på det aller nyeste innen teknologi!
Enterprise Skills Initiative. Opplæringstilbud til alle kommuner i Norge!
KS (Kommunesektorens organisasjon) har fått et opplæringstilbud fra Microsoft som inkluderer alle kommuner i Norge. Tilbudet er forlenget til og med 30. juni 2025 og gir alle kommuner mulighet for å bestille offisielle kurs innen Microsoft Azure, Sikkerhet Data & AI og Modern Work. Dette tilbudet gir kommunene svært gunstige betingelser!
DevOps Leader e-læring
The DevOps Leader SKILup eLearning course is for learners who want to take a transformational leadership approach and make an impact within their organization by implementing DevOps. Leading people through a DevOps evolution requires new skills, tools, innovative thinking, and transformational leadership. Leaders up, down and across an organization must align and collaborate to break down silos and evolve the organization.
Man with beard and sunglasses doing thumbs up. W hite Glasspaper logo
Developer .NET, Azure and Front-end
Does your business need to hire system developers or realize system development projects? Then you should consider Glasspaper Solutions. We are a Microsoft-based consulting company, with expertise in system development within .NET and Azure. Our solutions use well-known frameworks in Front-end (Vue, React, Angular), and Back-end system development in .NET. We can assist with the development of new solutions and further development of your existing system development projects. We can offer the hire of individual consultants, supply entire teams or handle complete projects with subsequent management if desired.
How should Norwegian businesses handle threats?
Norway is one of the countries in the world that experiences the most security threats daily, with major consequences for the company's reputation and economy. How should managers in Norwegian businesses minimize the likelihood that threats affect their business as well as minimize potential damage?
PRINCE2 beskriver 7 praksiser, som er aspekter ved et prosjekt, altså noe vi må ta stilling til i prosjektet. Disse tar vi hensyn til i starten, underveis og mot slutten av prosjektet.
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Foundation℠ e-læring
Introduces a range of practices for improving service reliability through a mixture of automation, working methods and organizational re-alignment. Tailored for those focused on large-scale service availability.
Glasspaper Learning har inngått Official Training Partner-avtale med ISC2
Vi har store nyheter! I juni i år inngikk vi en Official Training Partner (OTP)-avtale med verdens ledende selskap innen informasjonssikkerhet, ISC2. ISC2 har flere enn 600.000 medlemmer innen Cybersikkerhet globalt og med denne avtalen styrker vi vår satsning på opplæring innen IT-sikkerhet.