
Today's employees need to be able to develop skills quickly in a wide range of economic and technological fields and subjects. Immediate access to quality-assured and approved learning resources are of great value in this regard. Organizations need learning solutions that can meet the needs of all parts of their organization, which can easily be linked with the organization's strategies and objectives, and which can be effectively balanced with your IT infrastructure.
Advanced Course in Digital Marketing
Certified Digital Marketing Expert e-learning
This advanced certification drills deep into the latest thinking to develop true digital marketing expertise. Learn about advanced digital marketing strategy, leadership, SEO, social media and CX.
ITIL® 4 Specialist: High-Velocity IT - eLearning
The ITIL® 4 Specialist: High-Velocity IT course is designed to enable practitioners to explore the ways in which digital organizations and digital operating models function in high-velocity environments. It will help aspiring organizations to operate in a similar way to successful digitally-native organizations. The course includes the use of working practices such as Agile and Lean, and technical practices and technologies such as Cloud, Automation, and Automatic Testing. The focus of these practices and technologies is on the rapid delivery of products and services to obtain maximum value.
Rekruttering Administrasjon og HR
Har din virksomhet behov for å rekruttere personell innen administrasjon, resepsjon, kundeservice eller HR?
ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve - eLearning
The ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve course is based on the ITIL® 4 Strategist Direct, Plan, and Improve candidate syllabus from AXELOS. The course provides the practical skills necessary to create a “learning and improving” IT organization, with a strong and effective strategic direction. With the help of ITIL® 4 concepts and terminology, activities, exercises, examples, and the case study included in the course, you will acquire relevant knowledge to pass the ITIL® Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve certification exam.
Bemanning økonomi
Bemanning økonomi
Glasspaper People tilbyr bemanning til korte og lange bemanningsoppdrag. Våre bemanningsrådgivere er spesialisert på å leie ut vikarer med relevant erfaring innen økonomi, regnskap og lønn, samt bank, finans og forsikring. Ved bemanningsbehov går våre rådgivere grundig til verks. Vi bruker de samme utvelgelseskriteriene og kvalitetsprosessene ved bemanning som rekruttering. Til stillinger innen økonomi, regnskap og lønn har vi interne fagkonsulenter som kan bistå i utvelgelsen av riktig vikar.
Microsoft Cloud Partner Program - er du kvalifisert?
Microsoft lanserte sitt nye program Microsoft Cloud Solutions Partner (MCPP) i oktober 2022 for utelukkende å fokusere på skyvirksomhet.
The overwhelming pace of change: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the score
A student today asked me a question that I did not have an answer to. This in itself is not unusual, we instructors are not infallible human Google’s, we do not possess the sum of all human knowledge ready to regurgitate into a word soup of semi-hallucinated bullet points.
PRINCE2® 7 Foundation e-learning
Basics of project management based on PRINCE2 methodology, the most famous, generic project management method. The main purpose of this certification program is to familiarize the candidates with PRINCE2 approach, principles, processes, themes, and terminology. Successful candidates will have a better understanding of project ecosystem and can contribute more to the success of the project
ITIL 4 Sertifisering
ITIL 4 kommer med et helt nytt sertifiseringsløp. Hvor vi i tidligere versjon av ITIL 4 så to ulike tracks, ITIL Managing Professional (MP) og Strategic Lead (SL), har Axelos nå lansert ITIL Practice Manager (PM). Practice Manager kursene består av ett-dagers kurs, hvor en må gjennomføre fem uavhengige kurs, eller ett tre-dagers bundle kurs i tillegg til kurset ITIL 4 Create, Deliver and Support for å oppnå tittelen.
Dagens ansatte må raskt kunne utvikle ferdigheter i et bredt spekter av økonomiske og teknologiske fag. Umiddelbar tilgang til læringsressurser som er kvalitetssikret og godkjent vil da være av stor verdi. Organisasjoner trenger en læringsløsning som kan dekke behovene til alle deler av organisasjonen, som enkelt kan knyttes inn mot bedriftens strategi og mål, og som effektivt balanseres med bedriftens IT-infrastruktur.
PRINCE2® 7 Practitioner e-læring
Practical and advanced topics in project management based on PRINCE2 methodology, the most famous, generic project management method. The main purpose of this certification program is to prepare the candidates for taking on more serious roles in project management, from designing and implementing the system to successful leadership. The topic is presented as a discussion over scenarios and questions commonly seen in projects.
ITIL 4® Foundation e-læring
Basics of IT Service Management based on ITIL, the most famous guide for service management. The purpose of this certification program is to familiarize the candidates with different aspects of IT services management and the way they can work together to create user satisfaction and increase profits in the company.
PRINCE2 MSP® Practitioner e-læring
Equips you with the expertise to effectively apply MSP principles and best practices, ensuring measurable value is delivered to your organization.
PRINCE2 er designet slik at den kan fungere innenfor enhver kontekst, inkludert organisatorisk og kommersiell, leveransemetode, krav til bærekraft og prosjektskala.
Glasspaper Learning has signed the Official ISC2 Training Partner Agreement
We have exciting news to share! On June 12th, 2024, we signed an Official Training Partner (OTP) agreement with ISC2, a world-leading provider of information security training and certifications. With this partnership, we expand our investment in competency and documented skills in the area of IT security.
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value - eLearning
The ITIL ® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value module is part of the Managing Professional stream for ITIL 4, and participants need to pass the related certification exam for working towards the Managing Professional (MP) designation. The ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder module provides guidance on establishing, maintaining, and developing effective service relationships at appropriate levels. It guides the organizations on a service journey in their service provider and consumer roles, supporting effective interaction and communication.
Consultant hiring(3)
Glasspaper is Norway's largest service provider of IT training and a significant operator in the recruitment and hiring market for IT consultants. Our network and expertise provide us with a bird's-eye view of the Norwegian consultancy market. Many of our customers come to use because they find it difficult to attract and find the right IT consultants for shorter projects or long-term placement.
PRINCE2® Foundation, 6th Edition e-learning
Basics of project management based on PRINCE2 methodology, the most famous, generic project management method. The main purpose of this certification program is to familiarize the candidates with PRINCE2 approach, principles, processes, themes, and terminology. Successful candidates will have a better understanding of project ecosystem and can contribute more to the success of the project