
Nå er søknadsportalen til Microsoft University 2022 ÅPEN!
Nå kan du søke på neste års spor til Microsoft University! Vi søker personer med ulik bakgrunn og ser etter deg som er nyutdannet med minimum tre års høyere utdannelse, maks tre års relevant arbeidserfaring og interesse for ett eller flere av følgende områder: informatikk, datateknikk, programmering, spilldesign, spillprogrammering, mobil apputvikling, webutvikling, informasjonssikkerhet, kommunikasjons- og informasjonsteknologi, E-business, digital markedsføring, digitale medier, IT-økonomi, økonomi og administrasjon.
Connect2Classroom is an affordable, flexible solution for companies and individuals that allows you to train from your home or office, eliminating the need for travel. You will get full interaction with the instructor throughout the course, using the same course material as you get access to in the ordinary classroom training.
PRINCE2® Practitioner, 6th Edition e-learning
Practical and advanced topics in project management based on PRINCE2 methodology, the most famous, generic project management method. The main purpose of this certification program is to prepare the candidates for taking on more serious roles in project management, from designing and implementing the system to successful leadership. The topic is presented as a discussion over scenarios and questions commonly seen in projects.
Rekruttering økonomi / regnskap
Glasspaper kan vise til mer enn 10 års erfaring med rekruttering av personell innen økonomi og regnskap både til økonomiavdelinger og regnskapsbyråer. Vi kan bistå med hele eller deler av rekrutteringsprosessen avhengig av våre kunders ønsker, enten behovet er ny økonomidirektør, controller, analytiker, regnskapsmedarbeider eller lønningsansvarlig. Som Norges største kursleverandør innen IT kan vi kombinere rekrutteringen med nyttige og attraktive kurs for økonomipersonell innen eks. Excel og Power-BI,
Corporate Social Responsibility
Glasspaper recognizes its social responsibility and responsibility to make sustainable choices. We want to be a responsible company that creates value for our stakeholders, while taking care of our resources. Glasspaper must offer a good working environment and adjust to minimize the impact on the climate and environment as a result of our own operations.
certified digital display associate course
DMI Tracks - Digital Display e-learning
Learn how to set up a display campaign in this powerful interactive Digital Display course. You’ll discover the principles of graphic design, campaign strategy and budget management, and how to test and measure different creative to make the most of your display strategy.
PRINCE2® 7 Foundation e-learning
Basics of project management based on PRINCE2 methodology, the most famous, generic project management method. The main purpose of this certification program is to familiarize the candidates with PRINCE2 approach, principles, processes, themes, and terminology. Successful candidates will have a better understanding of project ecosystem and can contribute more to the success of the project
SAFe Lean-Agile Principles
Developing enterprise-scale software and cyber-physical systems is more complex than ever. Global teams, rapid innovation, and evolving market demands create both opportunities and challenges. To navigate this complexity, enterprises rely on proven methodologies like Agile, Lean, and systems thinking. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) integrates these best practices into a cohesive system that improves productivity, quality, and time-to-market. However, no single approach fits all situations. That’s why SAFe is built on ten fundamental principles—stable, adaptable guidelines that help enterprises make sound decisions, foster innovation, and continuously deliver value. These principles ensure that organizations remain agile, even when specific practices need adjustment, ultimately driving the shortest sustainable lead time with the highest quality and value.
certified content marketing associate course
DMI Tracks - Content Marketing e-learning
This online Content Marketing course teaches you content marketing best practice. Learn how to craft your social media messaging to bring visitors to your website. Understand the importance of keywords on your homepage and the growing importance of voice search. Completion of this course provides a globally recognised DMI accreditation.
PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner e-learning
Tailoring and use of PRINCE2 project management methodology in Agile environments The purpose of this certification program is to adjust PRINCE2 to match Agile methods such as Scrum, and implement a combination of them in projects, with Agile methods in the team level and PRINCE2 on the higher levels of management.
ITIL 4 Foundation e-learning
Basics of IT Service Management based on ITIL, the most famous guide for service management. The purpose of this certification program is to familiarize the candidates with different aspects of IT services management and the way they can work together to create user satisfaction and increase profits in the company.
PRINCE2® 7 Practitioner e-learning
Practical and advanced topics in project management based on PRINCE2 methodology, the most famous, generic project management method. The main purpose of this certification program is to prepare the candidates for taking on more serious roles in project management, from designing and implementing the system to successful leadership. The topic is presented as a discussion over scenarios and questions commonly seen in projects.
certified data and web analytics associate course
DMI Tracks - Data and Web Analytics e-learning
Fast-track your Data and Analytics skills with this online short course. Get job ready skills with a globally recognized certification in bite-sized learning units. Learn Data Analytics, Reporting, Data Management, and Security best practices.
Hvorfor bør du søke på Microsoft University?
Er du nyutdannet innen IT og ønsker en kick-start på karrieren din? Da bør du lese videre!
Apotek 1 bygger nytt datavarehus, og Glasspaper bistår i rekrutteringsprosessen
Apotek 1, Norges største apotekkjede med mer enn 4.000 ansatte og også landets største farmasøytiske arbeidsgiver, har ambisiøse mål for å løfte deres analysekapasitet kraftig. Glasspaper er valgt som leverandør i oppbemanningen av Analytics enheten ved å rekruttere inn en datavarehus ansvarlig (arkitekt) og to ETL-utviklere (data engineers). Vi har intervjuet Geir Kjøsen i Apotek 1 som har gitt oppdraget til Glasspaper for å fortelle litt om nå situasjonen og reisen fremover.
certified social media specialist course
Certified Digital Marketing Specialist - Social Media e-learning
This certification is ideal for social media specialists, enthusiasts, executives or anyone wanting to enhance their knowledge in this area. It is designed to help you engage effectively with social media in an overall digital marketing domain.
Consultant hiring(2)
Glasspaper is Norway's largest service provider of IT training and a significant operator in the recruitment and hiring market for IT consultants. Our network and expertise provide us with a bird's-eye view of the Norwegian consultancy market. Many of our customers come to use because they find it difficult to attract and find the right IT consultants for shorter projects or long-term placement.
Consultant hiring
Glasspaper is Norway's largest service provider of IT training and a significant operator in the recruitment and hiring market for IT consultants. Our network and expertise provide us with a bird's-eye view of the Norwegian consultancy market. Many of our customers come to use because they find it difficult to attract and find the right IT consultants for shorter projects or long-term placement.
PRINCE2® 7 Foundation e-learning
Basics of project management based on PRINCE2 methodology, the most famous, generic project management method. The main purpose of this certification program is to familiarize the candidates with PRINCE2 approach, principles, processes, themes, and terminology. Successful candidates will have a better understanding of project ecosystem and can contribute more to the success of the project